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(281) 667-9193

Debt Collector

RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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Debt Collector

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Comments 5

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

cornholio recoveryz

April 10, 2024

Debt Collector

Someone call me yesterday. They ask for my name. I said who this? I really forgot her name. I said what is this regarding… she said this is a business matter… I’m like ok. Then I ask what company is this. She said I have to verify the last 4 of your ssn… which I wasn’t going to verify anyway… so she said the last 4 but it wasn’t mines. Then she said we must have the wrong person 😳 so I look up this number and was referred here… This number is a scam… crazy part is. The caller id said chase bank smh…

January 30, 2024

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