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(619) 824-6420

RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
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Comments 8

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

I just received a phone call from this number today. It sounded very legitimate at first. He referred to himself as Uber Safety, stating that the trip I was on was a Test and asked me to cancel, then they said Uber Support would be calling. I suspected a Scam whenever they requested that I nit use my Uber Pro Cedit card for the next four days

June 17, 2024

Delivery Service

The person claimed to be from Uber and said they received complaints that my car smelled of alcohol and I was driving recklessly. Nine of it was remotely true. They then were able to call me on a separate line, which was apparently their personal number. I told them to screw off and hung up. They then tried calling several more times. I eventually picked up and told them Uber support was on the other line and wanted to talk, and the caller immediately hung up. If you ever get a call like this, always call Uber support directly to confirm and never give out any personal information. These calls are almost always scammers. Usually, the scammer will get a hold of you by posing as a rider and then cancelling, and then using Uber support service to get a hold of you. They try to use fear to manipulate drivers to make irrational decisions and transfer their earnings (they’ll say your account was disabled and you need to transfer to a new account Uber set up for you to be able to withdraw).

May 8, 2024

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