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(813) 686-7095


RoboKiller users have reported receiving spam
calls from this number


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13 hours ago

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Comments 4

The comments below are user submitted reports by third parties and are not endorsed by Robokiller

“Look, I don't know if you remember, but you signed up for a piano webinar, a free online class, and it started five minutes ago. We're just in the introductions. I just wanted to give you a shout, see if you're free. Look, if you still want to join, I'd love you there. Go in your email, you'll see I've sent you an email and there is a link to join you. Click that link and it's going to bring you in. And just to remind you, in this class, we're going to be going over three things. One, how to learn piano fast without practicing for years. The second is how to really, really get your hands working together smoothly and easily on the piano. And then three, I'm going to show you how to learn songs up to ten times faster. So if you've ever wanted to play piano, this is for you. We're starting right now, so jump into your email, hit the link, it's completely free. Please, please do not miss this opportunity. We put so much work into putting this on. I really would love you to be there. All right, thank you.“

August 4, 2024

Appointment Reminder

I (stupidly) gave my number to a YouTuber, who offered a free piano master class. I did this in July 2024. The Appointment they booked me in for was for the end of November 2024!!! Now I get calls to invite me to attend the class…every Sunday. “Just to let you know the Piano Masterclass is starting now. join Us for your free Master Class” My response…”No, don’t call me until the day of my alleged free class. Not before, not after.”

August 4, 2024

Appointment Reminder
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